It is hoped that you, your family and your business have remained safe during Hurricane Milton. To that end, our partners at FloridaCommerce have activated two key resources in response to Hurricane Milton.
Business Damage Assessment Survey The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation encourages business owners to self-report physical and economic damage caused by Hurricane Milton through FloridaCommerce’s Business Damage Assessment Survey. Professionals with physical business locations are encouraged to share this information with the owners of their businesses. Survey responses will allow the state to expedite recovery efforts by gathering data and assessing the needs of impacted businesses.
Businesses can complete the survey online by visiting www.FloridaDisaster.biz and selecting “Hurricane Milton” from the dropdown menu.
The Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program FloridaCommerce has also activated the Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program, making $50 million available to Florida businesses impacted by Hurricane Milton.
This program offers short-term, zero-interest loans of up to $50,000 for eligible applicants who have experienced economic injury or physical damage due to the storm. These loans are intended to help bridge the gap while longer-term funding, such as federal loans or insurance claims, is secured.
Visit FloridaJobs.org/EBL for more information or to apply.
You continue to be in the Department’s thoughts as your communities respond and begin to recover from Hurricane Milton.
Sincerely, Melanie Griffin Secretary, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation
2601 Blair Stone Rd , Tallahassee, FL 32399