We are excited to bring together The SISI, Inc. and Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center: Cancer Conversations to present “Let’s Talk Breast Cancer.”
We will hear from medical experts on signs, symptoms, screenings and the benefits of participating in clinical trials and from breast cancer survivors on their health journey.
There will also be calls to action for everyone to be part of improving community health!
Here is the link to watch the replay

In case you missed it (ICYMI)!
Here is the "Let's Talk Breast Cancer Forum" with The SISI, Inc and Mayo Clinic on Sunday, 10.20.24 link via youtube:
https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.youtube.com_watch-3Fv-3DS8P7oe6SP7A&d=DwIGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=s3G30epBNCrwD1KW2sMz7P-PJriKAfzIcnuqQQbNEyo&m=tfUxYzLYQ_HFdq-fk8bJEpjr3sZG1r9yAjmqei83zTDQwlelv_bDuQuV-qOjzMYo&s=jM3d4ri4WyWK6jElffebpipqJmz1SljBxqm5nLTgaAA&e= : https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.youtube.com_watch-3Fv-3DS8P7oe6SP7A&d=DwIGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=s3G30epBNCrwD1KW2sMz7P-PJriKAfzIcnuqQQbNEyo&m=tfUxYzLYQ_HFdq-fk8bJEpjr3sZG1r9yAjmqei83zTDQwlelv_bDuQuV-qOjzMYo&s=jM3d4ri4WyWK6jElffebpipqJmz1SljBxqm5nLTgaAA&e= You may have to copy and paste this link in your search browswer
I have also attached the 3 Breast Cancer study flyers and the 2 ways to engage with us in improving community health:
1. Community Research Registry - a NATIONAL database to join to learn of Mayo Clinic studies you are eligible to particpate in
2. Community Engagement Studios - small group discussions to work alongside researchers to help design their studies (currently specific to Florida 9 counties (Duval, Clay, Nassau, St. Johns, Baker, Flagler, Putnam, Brevard, Volusia)
A HUGE THANK YOU to all of our dynamic speakers and thank you to ALL of our community partners for your continued partnership and support.
Reducing cancer burden in our community is a MAJOR challenge and it takes a village. We Are Our VILLAGE!!!
Let's do this!
Thanks so much and take care,
Chelsea C. Reeves, MPH
Senior Program Coordinator – Research
Mayo Clinic in Florida
Email: reeves.chelsea@mayo.edu
To request a Community Outreach and Engagement and/or Community Engaged Research (CEnR) consultation, please submit a request:
External Parties: https://surveys.mayoclinic.org/jfe/form/SV_0fwqjndFJ0ancPQ
Ensuring we are doing our self-care matters to have a healthy and wealthy quality of life.
Jacksonville Black Chamber of Commerce